Friday, July 07, 2006

Talking in Shul Part 2

Yesterday when i went to Mincha/Maariv in a certain shul, i started tto question why people go to begin with. The noise level was very high and it seemed like it was a social club. In the middle of Mincha, someone broght over a snapple to someone and they starting to drink it a pour it in cups for a few people. Is this apprpriate for mincha. How come the Rav of the shul who was there does not say anything? Why do people feel it is ok to behave this way in a shul during davening?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Rav may be afraid that if he protests too much he may get fired.

FrumWithQuestions said...

Isn't that a problem as well? People have no respect for their Rabbis and many Rabbis are influenced by money.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's a major problem.

Anonymous said...

It's hard for the Rav to do it alone (though he has a responsibility to try to do something). Ideally the baalei batim should enforce this.